Monday, November 19, 2012

Rule #28: Update a design that doesn't work!

So the hoop house may look very much like the one last year, but John has made some important updates.  The end frames for last years hoop house were way to big to store (at least store without notice!).  This year the end frames are made of three pieces so that when we take it down and store it easily.  Each of those pieces is wrapped in the plastic so we shall see how that works since there will be some more air that can probably leak in this way, but the radicchio love the cold so I think they will be fine.  The door will be put on this week as well...we did a lot of family time this weekend so John ran out of time! I still have some endive, lettuce, broccoli rabe, a tiny bit of spinach and maché in one of the bed under the hoop house so we will see how they do.  Ugh...must learn from my neighbor Heather and sow MORE.  I ran out way too fast.  I am hoping they come up a bit under there, but they will for sure in the spring.

In other garden news the forcing of the Treviso (did this last year) and the Puntarella variety chicory (new this year) has begun.  I am so excited to see if the Puntarella form the "pods".  I really hope so.  My mom has told me all about them and I know it will be so yummy!  I did cook and freeze a bunch of the greens when I thinned them a while back so we have that!  Here are the results after about a week of forcing.  Both types have already begun their second growth and the centers look tender.  Happy Harvest Monday!  I've got to get out in the garden and pick more jalapeños!

Puntarella Type Variety before taking off some of the outer leaves

After taking off the outer leaves that had started to die off

Here you can see the root that sits in the cold water

New and improved hoop house!

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