Monday, November 21, 2011

Rule #2: Build a Hoop House!

So this year I went a little crazy with my winter garden.  I planted 6 varieties of radicchio and 2 of endive.  Well, a few of the radicchio did not geminate and I didn't have time to replant. I did originally plant 9.  More on that in another post!  So when I went to transplant them in early September I used 3 of my middle beds.  Now in the past years I have only used one bed and we created a small plastic row cover using PVC piping.  This year was another story.  John used some of our old fencing and a new grey electrical piping to create a walk in hoop house!  I am too excited.  It even has a door.  I have my radicchio transplants in there plus some lettuce and arugula.  Unfortunately I did not get to transplant the endive or all of my radicchio in there but they are a cold weather crop and can even do OK at about 30 degrees.  So I have been picking and eating them first.  I may eventually have to put some plastic over them as well depending on the weather and how fast we eat it!  The top pic is mid construction and the bottom pic is John finishing the door.


  1. Amber, your garden is AMAZING!!!

  2. Judging by this, I'm thinking he'd be more than able to build a clay wood-fire oven ;-)

  3. Thank you Vanessa and thank you DOAT. That comment made John's day I think :)
